
Amy Cohen has presented to numerous audiences in-person, via Zoom, and in recorded lectures. She has spoken at libraries, clubs, places of worship, schools, and historic sites. You will find examples of these presentations here.

Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest at Villanova University

April 25, 2024
Amy discusses Black History in the Philadelphia Landscape: Deep Roots, Continuing Legacy at an event presented by the Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest that was co-sponsored by Falvey Library, Falvey Library DEI Committee, Department of History, Department of Political Science and Africana Studies.

Television Courtroom: #92

March 1st, 2024
Amy discusses Black History in the Philadelphia Landscape: Deep Roots, Continuing Legacy on Television Courtroom. Amy’s interview with Michael Coard can be viewed from 16:16 to 39:39.

The segment will air on PhillyCAM (Comcast 66/966 and Verizon 29/30) at 3:30pm every Friday through March.

Meet the Author: Amy Cohen at the Pyramid Club

February 9th, 2024
Amy discusses Black History in the Philadelphia Landscape: Deep Roots, Continuing Legacy at the Pyramid Club.

Louis Magaziner and Julian Abele: The Story of an Unusual Friendship

A Profile of African American Architect Julian Abele: The Shadows are All Mine

Amy Jane Cohen

Amy Cohen is an educator, historian, and writer. After twenty years teaching social studies, she became Director of Education for History Making Productions and is a contributing writer for Hidden City Philadelphia.